What puts a smile on your face? Topicsmaster Jill gave the Vox crowd last Wednesday night plenty of chances to answer this question as we watched Donal bring out his inner Basil Fawlty as a straight talking waiter, Deirdre described the horrors
Read moreRyan’s Invite, 20 February 2013
There was a feeling of anticipation in Larry’s this week as Vox celebrity Maria squared up to our irresistable topicsmaster Frank. His role play challenge to Maria was to get out of a wedding invite with Paul in order to accept a
Read moreFlogging a Dead Horse, 16 January 2013
It was the perfect week to pony up a few equine jokes, and no better man than Dan O to start off tonight’s topics session with a toss of his mane and a flick of his tail! First time topicsmaster Brian ensured
Read moreNew Year Resolutions, 9 January 2013
Do people still make new year resolutions? I was pondering this as I headed towards the first Vox meeting for 2013. That question was answered as I walked into a room already filling with faces, many of them unfamiliar. I
Read moreChristmas Tidings, 19 December 2012
What a tremendous high for the Voxers to end on last night – There was so much inspiration and philosophy flying around the room – Between two jaw-dropping ice-breakers from two stallion-boggers who … Guess what…. Spoke with a comportment
Read moreGreat Expectations, 5 December 2012
So here we are, Budget Day 2012.. what effect would Ireland’s economic woes have on the Vox spirit I wondered as Larry’s filled up on Wednesday night. As the topics session started up with tales of Christmases past and present,
Read moreFour legs good, two legs bad! 28 November 2012
The Central Hotel filled up with festive cheer last Wednesday night as the Vox crowd gathered for the weekly round of toastmastering. First time topicsmaster Aoife got the group going with some engaging topics on the pay of professional sports
Read moreGathering or Scattering? 21 November 2012
Are the Irish coming or going? Consensus on this issue was not found by the members of Vox Populi on this particular November Wednesday. The answer, it would seem, is both. The Scattering 2012 vs local efforts to encourage the
Read moreWinter Warmers, 9 November 2012
It got very cosy in the bowels of Larry Murphy’s tonight as the talk turned to open fires, hot chocolate and beetroot soup. Toastmaster Rosie had participants discussing their favourite things about winter, and while my answer would be ‘it makes you
Read moreHappy Halloween! 31 October 2012

Well what a range of costumes were to be seen at the Central Hotel at last Wednesday’s Halloween meeting! The Vox crowd really got into the pagan spirit with a range of weird and wonderful made up faces, pirates, ninja turtles, murder
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